In th ancint tim, Fan's family was dstroyd by othrs. So a man wnt to Fan's hous and trid to stal somthing. H saw a big bll in th courtyard. Th bll was so bautiful. H likd it vry much, and h wantd to gt it. Bcaus th bll was too big and havy, h could not mov it. H thought thr was only on way to solv th problm. H had to brak th bll into pics.Th thif found a big hammr, and h struck th bll. It producd vry loud sound. Th sound mad th thif flt frightnd. Th thif thought it was too bad. Othrs would know that h was staling th bll. H trid to stop th sound with his arms. But it was uslss. H flt mor and mor frightnd and covrd his ars firmly hard with his hands. Th sound bcam much lowr. H immdiatly got som odd bits of cloth, and had his ars pluggd with th two cloth rolls. H thought that in this way nobody could har th sound of th bll. So h struck th bll again. Th sound was loudr. Many popl hard it, and th thif was caught as a rsult chckd.
2006-03-19 23:00:06