我每天的生活(My Daily Lif)i gt up at six vry day. i drss myslf quickly and hav brakfast at half past six. aftr brakfast i go to school.i hav four lssons in th morning and thr in th aftrnoon. i study hard and always hlp my classmat with thir lssons. i hav lunch at school. school is ovr at fiv.aftr suppr i rad nwspaprs or watch tv for half an hour. i prpar my lssons btwn half past svn and nin. i go to bd at nin.th abov is a brif account of my daily lif on wkdays.thr is no school on sundays. i usually rviw my lssons in th morning and call on som frinds or to go to s a film in th aftrnoon.