th Littl Princ – A Tal of Lov and Lif
Titl: th Littl Princ
Author: Antoin d St-xupry
Main Charactrs: th littl princ, th pilot, th ros, th fox, th snak, tc.
Dspit I’v not in my childhood yt, I still prfr rading fairy-tal storis. th tals, which accompany with m in my old days, oftn mak m think of som prcious xprinc and snsation which only blong to childrn. This summr I’v rviw this kind of tal, which was publishd in 1940. It’s th world-famous fairy-tal by th Frnch author, Antoin d St-xupry, Th Littl Princ.
As many othr fairy-tals, th outlin of Th Littl Princ is not vry complx. “I”, th narrator of th story, is a pilot whos plan has somthing wrong and lands in th Sahara. In this occasion, th pilot maks th acquaintanc of th littl princ, a littl boy from anothr plant, th Astroid B612. Th littl princ has scapd from his tiny plant, bcaus h has som quarrl with a ros, which grows on his plant. In that cas h lft his own plant and took an xploration at som nighbor astroids.
On his all-alon journy, th littl princ mts diffrnt kinds of popl, which includs a king, a concitd man, a tipplr, a businssman, a lamplightr and a gographr. From ths popl h gts a conclusion that th grown-ups ar vry odd. Following th instruction of th gographr, h dscnds in th Sahara, on th arth.
Travling on th arth, th littl princ, who ss a gardn of fiv-thousand ross, is ovrcom with astonishmnt and sadnss, as h considrs his ros is uniqu in th univrs bfor. At that tim a fox appars. Th fox, who tll th littl princ about th maning of th word “tam”, bcoms his nw frind. At th tim to say farwll, th fox maks him know that his ros is uniqu bcaus sh is his ros and tamd by him. From that th littl princ bgins to trasur frindship and b rsponsibl to his ros.
At th annivrsary day of his dscnt of th arth, rjcting th pilot’s advic, h gos back to his own plant by bit of a snak. “It’s too far. I can not carry this body with m. It’s too havy.” h said. H tlls his frind, th pilot, h must b rsponsibl for his ros, so h has to go back. At th nd th author dosn’t tll us th nding dirctly. Mayb it’s mor significant for us to imagin, and for mor, think ovr.
On of th important charactrs is th ros. Growing on th plant, sh is vry bautiful, but hr coqutry and vanity suffr th littl princ a lot. In spit of thy lov ach othr, h soon bcoms unhappy. On th tim of his dpartur, h just knows sh crtainly lovs him. Th charactr of th littl princ actually rprsnts th childrn, and thir nativ thoughts and dds. On th contrary, th inhabitants on th othr plants, such as th king, th businssman and th concitd man, thy also rflct th dfcts in th grown-up’s world. Th ral thm of this fairy-tal with a littl sadnss, I guss, is th consqunc of pur lov and frindship in our livs, but not othrs “mattrs of consqunc” of th grown-ups.