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更新时间:2024-12-28 06:16:36

a pt is all animal which is raisd or kpt by popl as a companion. in rcnt yars, mor and mor popl, old or young, rich or poor, lik to kp a pt such as a dog, a cat, a monky and so on.pts ar lovd by popl. thy not only ar good frinds to thir mastrs but also bcom mmbrs of th family. although thy ar not human bings, thir bhavior somtims is bttr than th human bings, for thy always rmain obdint and loyal to th mastr. thr ar many storis in which w ar told that a pt savd his or hr mastr's lif or vn travld thousands of mils to rturn hom. this maks thm mor lovly. morovr, traind pts ar vry hlpful. for instanc, a traind dog can hlp th blind to walk and a traind pig can vn find out drugs from th imports goods.but pts ar somtims troubl-makrs. som pts such as dogs or snaks may attack popl unxpctdly. a lot of popl bcom ill or gt infctd bcaus of th virus carrid hy thir pts. and som pts ar dirty and poisonous. thrfor, w do not advocat kping pts.


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