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A Wilderness Survival Program-一次野生训练,A Wilderness Surv
更新时间:2025-03-13 21:05:46

A Wildrnss Survival Program-一次野生训练 英语作文网整理收集

A Wilderness Survival Program-一次野生训练,A Wilderness Surv

Saturday May 4, 2002 Cloudy

Li Ming and I took part in a wildrnss survival program ystrday,which has bcom an unforgttabl xprinc.

Ystrday morning w wor strong and comfortabl shos, carrid backpacks with th ncssitis in thm and wnt to th mountain. W climbd a hill. On th top w saw a dirction mark, which told us whr to go. Down th hill, w cam to a rivr. Thr wr no boats but w had to cross it. Luckily, both of us had larnd how to swim. But w shouldn't mak our things in th backpacks wt. Sing a pic of board, I got an ida. W put our backpacks on th board and swam in th watr pushing th board. Whn gtting to th othr bank, with th compass w found north in which dirction w walkd half an hour. Finally, w arrivd at th campsit. W st up a tnt and mad a bonfir.

Th two of us spnt th night in th forst.

W larnd to us knowldg gaind in classroom training to solv problms. It was quit an xprinc for both of us, which I'll nvr forgt for th rst of my lif. 2002年5月4日 星期六 多云




我们学会了用课堂上培训获得的知识解决问题。这是我俩的一次特殊经历,我将终生难忘。Saturday May 47 2002 Cloudy

Li Ming and I took part in a wildrnss survival program ystrday,and it has bn on of th most unforgttabl xprincs sinc high school.

It was clar in th morning. W wnt to th mountain happily, waring strong and comfortabl shos, carrying th ncssitis in th backpacks.W climbd a hill and on th top w saw thr was a dirction mark at th foot of th hill. Down th hill, following th dirction, w cam to a rivr.Thr wr no boats. Luckily, w had larnd how to swim in th training class. But w should protct our things in th backpacks from bing wt.Fortunatly, w found a pic of board. W put our backpacks on th board and swam pushing th board. Whn gtting to th othr bank, w took out th compass from th backpack and knw th dirction. W walkd to th north for about half an hour. At last, w arrivd at th campsit, whr w st up th tnt and mad a bonfir.

Th two of us spnt th night in th forst.

W larnd to us knowldg gaind in classroom training to solv problms. It was quit an xprinc for both of us, which I'll nvr forgt for th rst of my lif.本作文共2页,当前在第1页 1 2 A Wildrnss Survival Program-一次野生训练 英语作文网整理收集

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