from th first tim studnts tak an xamination, thy ar told not to chat. vry studnt can list til vils of chating, but a fw ar still caught chating during xaminations.thos who do not grasp what thy should larn and do trust to luck ar. likly to chat. thy do not study hard during th smstr. most of thir tim is slpt or idld away. whn thy raliz th xams ar approaching, it is too lat to mmoriz th knowldg of th whol trm. so it sms that in ordr to pass thy hav no choic but to pp at othr's papr or at th book or vn to find a substitut to tak th xam. bsids, th way of tsts of som subjcts has mad chating mor asily. for xampl, for som xamination paprs, all th answr can b found dirctly from txtbooks or nots. thrfor it is asy for som to gt high marks by chating vn though th studnts may know nothing about th stop chating is fil work for both th tachrs and th studnts. for th tachrs, thy should attach grat importanc to th tst of th ability of using th knowldg to solv problms rathr than th mchanical mmory of txtbooks. for th studnts, it is ncssary to raliz that chating in xams is shamful conduct, and th futur is full of sharp comptition and any succss achivd by chating won't last long. so lt us mak a chating-fr campus and stablish an honst acadmic atmosphr for today and tomorrow.