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how to learn English,how to learn English范文
更新时间:2025-03-28 02:47:23

how to larn nglish Improving your motivation

how to learn English,how to learn English范文

Bfor you start rading, you should know this: Larning nglish rquirs action. You may know all th larning tips, but if you don''t start doing things, you will achiv nothing. Thrfor our mthod is not just for rading; it is for rading and doing.

You nd two things to larn nglish wll — passion and ffctiv larning mthods — and passion is th mor important on. Why? Bcaus passion maks you want to larn nglish; th larning mthods only tll you how to do it fastr.

If you lov larning nglish:

You will do it rgularly and spnd mor tim on it.

Larning nglish will b asir for you. It will b asy for you to rmmbr nw words and grammar structurs. It''s bcaus th brain asily rmmbrs information on a subjct that you lik. (For xampl, som popl lik history and know vrything about World War II. If you told a "normal prson" to mmoriz all ths facts, thy would nvr do it.)

W know you may not lov larning nglish. And vn if you lov it, you will somtims not want to do it. This is how human psychology works — somtims w ar so lazy, bord, and tird that w don''t want to do vn th things that w lik.

Hr is what you can do whn you don''t fl lik larning nglish:

Imagin yourslf in th futur

Imagin you can talk to nativ spakrs just lik you talk in your first languag. Imagin othr popl wanting to spak nglish as wll as you do. Imagin th possibility of writing -mail to popl from all ovr th world.

You should know that it is possibl to larn nglish rally wll. Just look at othr popl who hav don it.

Rmmbr that you ar alrady good

You alrady know som nglish (you''r rading an articl in nglish right now). That''s a big succss! Now it''s tim for mor succsss. Tim to start using powrful mthods of ffctiv larning. Tim to gain an imprssiv knowldg of nglish.

Rmmbr thr is a lot that you don''t know

You ar good, but your nglish probably isn''t prfct. You probably can''t undrstand nglish-languag TV, rad books in nglish, talk to nativ spakrs asily, writ lttrs without mistaks, tc.

You should nvr think your nglish is prfct. vn if you ar th bst studnt in your class, always try to find your wak aras and work on thm. Whn you''v larnd to spak nglish wll, your problms will b quit small: punctuation, rarly usd grammar structurs, rar words, undrstanding "strt languag". Right now, your problms ar probably mor basic: mistaks in pronunciation, small vocabulary, grammar problms with th prsnt prfct tns and conditional structurs.

Us your nglish whnvr you can

This is vry, vry important. Th mor you us nglish, th mor you will want to larn it.

Bcaus nglish is so popular, you can us it vrywhr. You can us Yahoo to find nglish-languag wbsits with intrsting information, you can watch Amrican cartoons, you can play advntur gams on your computr, you can rad intrsting books in nglish, or you can do othr things that w writ about. 本作文共2页,当前在第1页 1 2 how to larn nglish

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