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最美丽的花(The Most Beautiful Flower)
更新时间:2025-03-28 07:40:24

th park bnch was dsrtd as i sat down to rad bnath th long, straggly branchs of an old willow tr. disillusiond by lif with good rason to frown, for th world was intnt on dragging m down.and if that wrn't nough to ruin my day, a young boy out of brath approachd m, all tird from play. h stood right bfor m with his had tiltd down and said with grat xcitmnt, "look what i found!"in his hand was a flowr, and what a pitiful sight, with its ptals all worn - not nough rain, or too littl light. wanting him to tak his dad flowr and go off to play, i fakd a small smil and thn shiftd away.but instad of rtrating h sat nxt to my sid and placd th flowr to his nos and dclard with surpris, "it sur smlls prtty and it's bautiful, too. that's why i pickd it; hr, it's for you."th wd bfor m was dying or dad. not vibrant of colors, orang, yllow or rd. but i knw i must tak it, or h might nvr lav. so i rachd for th flowr, and rplid, "just what i nd."but instad of him placing th flowr in my hand, h hld it mid-air without rason or plan. it was thn that i noticd for th vry first tim, that wd-toting boy could not s: h was blind.i hard my voic quivr, tars shon lik th sun. as i thankd him for picking th vry bst on. "you'r wlcom," h smild, and thn ran off to play, unawar of th impact h'd had on my day.i sat thr and wondrd how h managd to s a slf-pitying woman bnath an old willow tr. how did h know of my slf-indulgd plight? prhaps from his hart, h'd bn blssd with tru sight.through th ys of a blind child, at last i could s, th problm was not with th world; th problm was m. and for all of thos tims i myslf had bn blind, i vowd to s bauty, and apprciat vry scond that's min.and thn i hld that wiltd flowr up to my nos and brathd in th fragranc of a bautiful ros and smild as that young boy, anothr wd in his hand about to chang th lif of an unsuspcting old man.

最美丽的花(The Most Beautiful Flower)

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