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An Open Letter(一封公开信)
更新时间:2025-01-15 08:11:05

Dar ditor,

An Open Letter(一封公开信)

I'm writing to tll you about th discussion on whthr an ntranc f should b chargd for parks. Opinions vary from prson to prson on this issu.

50% of th studnts disagr with th ida of ntranc fs. In thir opinion, parks ar public placs whr all th popl can hav a rst and njoy thmslvs. So if an ntranc f is chargd, som popl will surly b kpt away from th park. Bsids, in ordr to charg ntranc fs,gats and walls must b built. Thy think that it will do harm to th apparanc of a city.

40% of th studnts agr with th ida of ntranc fs, bcaus th gardnrs nd to b paid and nw plants and flowrs nd to b bought.But fs should b chargd rasonably.

Yours truly,





您真正的朋友XXXDar ditor,

I'm writing to tll you about th discussion on whthr an ntranc f should b chargd for parks.

Opinions vary from prson to prson on this issu. 60% of th studnts oppos th ida of ntranc fs. Thy bliv vryon can go to parks for rst and fun bcaus parks ar public placs. But an ntranc f may kp som popl/tway from th park. Bsids, in ordr to charg ntranc fs,it is ncssary to build gats and walls, which will do harm to th apparanc of a city.

40% of th studnts approv of th ida of ntranc fs, bcaus mony is ndd to pay th gardnrs and to buy nw plants and flowrs.But fs should b chargd rasonably.

Yours truly,本作文共2页,当前在第1页12

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