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the affection of compatriots
更新时间:2025-03-07 11:18:18

Th cas of a 50 snow brought traffic to a grat inconvninc, but why is th Spring Fstival, Chins Nw Yar vryon all his hurry to go hom. Yanxiag good Huibuqu! It was publishd onlin in th spring of photographs, I hav sn th womn's fild with a public tlphon to call hom th photos, that womn Rtntion tars flow in th snow in th family(报平安). My hart is in this momnt Jiujin, it is drivn by th strngth of what th Chins popl hav such a big imptus to rturn to th hom? Is th family ah! Who would not in this spcial momnt with thir family runion? Happy to sitting togthr, s Chun Wan, firworks, this is what happinss ah! Filld snow in th night, alon in a forign land, and how lonly?Howvr, this spcial, vn if th popl ar in a forign land, it will not fl th lonlinss. Du to thir compatriots all ovr th out-strtchd hands of affction, vn if not by blood, at this momnt, th Chins nation's spirit of solidarity, w hav bn closly linkd to a family! Many forign studnts choos schools in th Nw Yar, th school prpard to giv thm a big color TV and hating; crowd of passngrs waiting to go hom, vryon mutual concrn and support for a numbr of Taiwan businssmn, can hom in th Nw Yar undr th circumstancs , has chosn to stay with thir common struggl for a yar, now has rturnd to bing havy snow blockd th road to th mainland Chins Nw Yar with mploys

the affection of compatriots

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