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水滴与大海(Water droplets Sea)
更新时间:2025-03-13 13:49:05

水滴与大海(Watr droplts Sa)a long tim ago, and has a small drop of watr in th ast china sa listning to th story of th ast china sa grandpa strsss.it is awar of th ast china sa using mils apart, can not b dscribd in a vast sa, with 1000 960 high nough to dscrib th dpth of th sa. it is vry nvious of th ast china sa. thrfor, it askd th ast china sa grandfathr : "grandpa ast. why thn has th vast ast china sa so dp? "ast grandfathr told it :" i also anothr littl drop of watr, i and many partnrs around th clock to muddy pool togthr a small partnrship, it bcoms a small stram. but w do not stop pac, th unitd stats is continuing to pour forward, and thn bcam rivrs.finally many rivrs com togthr, it bcoms a sa, th formation of th ast china sa. "small drop askd : "w rally hav so much powr? can b turnd into a stram, into a rivr into th sa? "ast grandpa rplid : "of cours not! can not bcom small rivrs flow, so you can bcom th sa.also, into th sa, do not forgt th xistnc of small watr droplts, not to ovrlook th powr of small watr droplts, but it is th sourc of our lif! without it, w would not. "small drop in th ast china sa rmmbr his grandfathr, finally bcam th famous south china sa.

水滴与大海(Water droplets Sea)

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