lav him alon" i ylld as i walkd out of th orphanag gat and saw svral of th spring park school bullis pushing th daf kid around. i did not know th boy at all but i knw that w wr about th sam ag, bcaus of his siz. h livd in th old whit hous across th strt from th orphanag whr i livd. i had sn him on his front porch svral tims doing absolutly nothing, xcpt just sitting thr making funny lik hand th summr tim w didn't gt much to at for sunday suppr, xcpt watrmlon and thn w had to at it outsid bhind th dining room so w would not mak a mss on th tabls insid. about th only tim that i would s him was through th high chain-link fnc that surroundd th orphanag whn w at our watrmlon daf kid startd making all kind of hand signals, ral fast lik. "you ar a stupid idiot" said th biggr of th two bullis as h pushd th boy down on th ground. th othr bully ran around bhind th boy and kickd him as hard as h could in th back. th daf boy's body startd shaking all ovr and h curld up in a ball trying to shild and hid his fac. h lookd lik h was trying to cry, or somthing but h just couldn't mak any sounds, i don't think.i ran as fast as i could back through th orphanag gat and into th thick azala bushs. i uncovrd my hom-mad bow which i had constructd out of bamboo and string. i grabbd four arrows that wr also mad of bamboo and thy had coca cola tops bnt around th nds to mak ral sharp tips. thn i ran back out th gat with an arrow cockd in th bow and i just stood thr quit lik, brathing ral hard just daring ithr on of thm to kick or touch th boy again."you'r a dumb frak just lik him you big ard crp" said on of th boys as h grabbd his frind and backd off far nough so that th arrow would not hit thm. "if you'r so brav kick him again now" i said, shaking lik a laf. th biggr of th two bullis ran up and kickd th daf boy in th middl of his back as hard as h could and thn h ran out of arrow rang again.< 2 >th boy jrkd about and thn mad a sound that i will nvr forgt for as long as i liv. it was th sound lik a whal maks whn it has bn harpoond and knows that it is about to di. i fird all four of my arrows at th two bullis as thy ran away laughing about what thy had don. i pulld th boy up off th ground and hlpd him back to his hous which was about two blocks down th strt from th school building. whn w rachd his hom his sistr told m that hr brothr was daf but that h was not dumb lik th two bullis said. that h was vry smart but could not say or har anything. i told hr that h did mak a sound whn th bully kickd him in th back. sh told m that i must b mistakn bcaus all hr brothr's vocal cords had bn rmovd during an xprimntal surgry, which had boy mad on of thos hand signs at m as i was about to lav. i askd his sistr "if your brothr is so smart thn why is h doing things lik that with his hands?" sh told m that h was saying that h lovd m with his hands. i didn't say anything back to hr at all bcaus i didn't bliv hr. popl can't talk with thir hands and vrybody knows that. popl can only talk with thir mouth.almost vry sunday for th nxt yar or two i could s th boy through th chain-link fnc as w at watrmlon outsid bhind th dining room, during th summr tim. h always mad that sam funny hand sign at m and i would just wav back at him, not knowing what ls to do.on my vry last day in th orphanag i was bing chasd by th polic. thy told m that i was bing snt off to th florida school for boys rform school, at marianna so i ran to gt away from thm. thy chasd m around th dining room building svral tims and finally i mad a dash for th chain-link fnc and trid to climb ovr in ordr to scap. i saw th daf boy sitting thr on his porch just looking at m as thy pulld m down from th fnc and handcuffd m. th boy, now about twlv jumpd up and ran across san digo road, placd his fingrs through th chain-link fnc and just stood thr looking at us.< 3 >thy draggd m by my lgs, scraming and ylling for mor than svral hundrd yards through th dirt and pin-straw to th waiting polic car. all i could har th ntir tim was th high pitchd sound of that whal bing harpoond again. as w pulld away in th polic car i saw th daf boy loosn his grip on th fnc and slid vry slowly to th ground and lowr his had into th lavs and pin straw. that is whn i ralizd that h probably rally did lov m and h wantd to sav m bcaus h thought that i too was making th whal sound.