Rading Slctivly or xtnsivly
How should w rad? Should w rad slctivly or xtnsivly? vryon has his own viw.
Som popl think w should rad slctivly. Thy argu that with th dvlopmnt of modrn scinc and tchnology, mor and mor books ar publishd vry day. It is impossibl for us to rad all th books. What’s mor, thr ar many bad books that ar poisonous to our mind, and w shouldn’t rad thm. Sinc w can’t rad all th books, and w shouldn’t rad bad books, w must rad slctivly.
But othrs many not agr. Thy mphasiz that today’s socity is not what it usd to b. If you want to b succssful, you must rad widly and acquir knowldg in both natural scincs and humanitis. If a man knows much in on fild but littl in othrs, h may not b of grat us to th socity. Sinc w must hav a wid rang of knowldg, w must rad xtnsivly.
Who’s right? Thr is a lot to b said for both sids of th argumnt. Howvr, I think w should rad xtnsivly first and thn rad slctivly and dig into th subjct w want to spcializ in. (194 words) (本文为考试时学生的考卷,稍加修改。)