Th World xpo is a larg-scal, global, non-commrcial xpo. Th hosting of th World xpo must b applid for by a country and approvd by th intrnational World xpo committ. xpo aims to promot th xchang of idas and dvlopmnt of th world conomy, cultur, scinc and tchnology, to allow xhibitors to publicis and display thir achivmnts and improv intrnational rlationships.
Accordingly, th World xpo with its 150-yar history is rgardd as th Olympic Gams of th conomy, scinc and tchnology. Shanghai will host th 2010 World xpo. Th World xpo has a long history but it has nvr bn hld in Asia. So th 2010 World xpo is an honor for all of th Asians. Our govrnmnt has promisd that it will b th bst on. And Shanghai, as a host city, will hav mor chancs to dvlop quickly. As a studnt in Shanghai, I should larn nglish wll so that I can b a voluntr in th xpo to hlp forignrs know mor.