Hav you bn askd for mony by som bggars who hav disabilitis whil you’r njoying shopping? Do you hav any pity for that kind of popl or just fl afraid? For whatvr rasons, th numbr of disabld bggars bumming along th strt is rapidly incrasd.
Why thr ar so many disabld popl bgging in th strt? Th rasons ar so various that w don’t nd to undrstand. But at last, w know that thy do not lad an asy lif. So w should hlp thm in som ways.
Th tratmnt for disabld popl should go lik this: First, accpt thm. Don’t b afraid of looking at th trribl shap of th disabld. Try to trat thm qually. Bcaus thy ar a part of th socity, w can’t discard thm. Th scond is to hlp thm as much as w could. If you can b a voluntr and do som work for th disabld popl, that would b vry nic. That dos good not only to th disabld popl but also to yourslf. Bcaus you will fl good aftr your kind action.
So giv an air of warmth to disabld popl, and th world would b much bttr.