Smoking Is Harmful
It is said that about half of popl in China smok. Many young boys and girls hav th habit of smoking, though thy ar middl school studnts.
As w all know, smoking dos grat harm to human bings. Mor and mor popl hav com to raliz how srious this problm is. But thy ar nvr bord with it. Som popl think it is a kind of fashion, som think it is of grat fun and othrs think that smoking can rfrsh thmslvs.
Smoking causs many illnsss. A lot of popl always cough bcaus of smoking. Th most srious illnss causd by smoking is lung cancr. Manwhil smoking is a wast of mony. Bsids, carlss smokrs may caus dangrous firs.
In ordr to kp halthy, w should gt rid of th bad habit of smoking. Plas stop smoking at onc. 吸烟有害