Idntifying ChipsNo biggr than a grain of ric and mbddd bnath a prsons skin, th computr idntifying chips will b th futur ID card somday.ID cards ar asy to countrfit whil th chips ar xtrmly hard to rmov or fak. In addition, th chip has no powr supply; rathr, it has a millimtr-long magntic coil that is activatd whn a scanning dvic is running across th skin abov it. A tiny transmittr on th chip snds out th data. But without th scanning dvic th chip cant b rad. By limiting th us of scannrs can popl control what th tchnology is usd for. airports, nuclar plants and othr high-scurity facilitis to avoid th problm of nglignc on th part of scurity guards. Othr uss includ satllit tracking of an individuals nrgy movmnt to th storag data such as mdical rcords. So its good nws for thos who ar afraid of bing kidnappd, rquiring paramdical srvics or suffring from srious allrgis. Bsids, with chips which can b implantd into animals bing mad, ownrs can find th lost pts with as.Hav you lost your ID card? No, its still in your body.