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An Interesting Debate-一场有趣的辩论,An Interesting Debate-
更新时间:2024-11-26 07:29:45

An Intrsting Dbat-一场有趣的辩论,An Intrsting Dbat-An Intrsting Dbat-一场有趣的辩论 英语作文网整理 An Intrsting Dbat

An Interesting Debate-一场有趣的辩论,An Interesting Debate-

Today is Sunday. Aftr suppr, fathr, mothr and I wnt to th pardk. I sat on th back of fathr's bik. Aftr a whil, fathr said, "Girl, you should los wight." Mothragrd with fathr. But I thought it wasn't bad for m. So I said, "No, I don't want to. I lik to b myslf. Do you know th famous actrss namd Fi Fi in Hong Kong? Sh is vry fat but vry popular with th audinc." "But fw fat popl can bcom famous," fathr didn't agr with m. And mothr continud, "You know, a lot of illnsss ar causd by obsity, such as hart disas, hyprtnsion and so on."

It smd I had two opponnts. I should try my bst to dfat thm. So I quibbld, "Thr's nothing to b worrid about. Anyway, th mdical tchnology has bn dvlopd so advancd." And thn I dirctd th sparhad at mothr, "You ar also so fat. Why don't you want to los wight'?" Mothr sighd, "I dowant to. But it's not good for m to do so. I'min my fortis whil you ar so young. If you can do mor xrciss and control your dit, you'll asily los wight." "No, you'r rong. I said loudly. "Som xprts say that xrciss can't hlp popl los wight bcaus thy will at mor aftr th xrcis."

Fathr and mothr lookd at ach othr and didn't know' what to say. I won th dbat! I stoppd laughing whn I hard fathr saying, "Fat daughtr, plas gt off my bik." Oh, no!




爸爸和妈妈互相看了一眼,不知该说什么好。我赢了这场辩论! 可当我听到爸爸说的话时,我停止了笑。爸爸说:“胖女儿,下车吧。”哦,不!

An Intrsting Dbat-一场有趣的辩论 英语作文网整理

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