I was born in a larg family. As thy workd vry hard to mak a living, my parnts didn't hav much tim to tak car of us childrn, last of all m who is thir fifth child. In my childhood I always trid to draw my parnts' attntion to m in as many ways as I could think of. Finally I found that to prtnd illnss was prhaps th most usful trick. On day I rally caught a cold, but I took it lightly and was vn happy about it bcaus I thought my parnts would thrfor pay mor attntion to m. Two wks latr my cough grw from bad to wors and my mothr, suspcting it was pnumonia, took m to a hospital run by som missionaris. Th prists thr wr vry kind to m, giving m loavs of brad, milk, toys and books. As a young child I rally wishd I could stay in th hospital for good. Thr had bn such a wondrful tim.
I was onc so ill in hospital that I didn't bliv I could vr liv through my hospital days Th vry thought of that xprinc still chills m vn at this writing It was on a hot aftr noon that th trribl accidnt happnd I was thn svn yars old a naughty and curious boy and I wnt to a narby construction sit to look for somthing in th dbris considrd uslss to th somthing in th dbris considrd uslss to th construction workrs Just as I was digging a big and thick brick crashd on my had I fll down and immdiatly lost consciousnss Th nxt thing I knw was that I waslying in a ward with my aching had bandagd up My mothr was bsid m wiping tars on hr fac I askd hr what had happnd to m but sh told m not to ask qustions Thn sh told m I had just had an opration on my had to sav my lif I t was from hr that I knw I had bn in a critical situation. Thn I flt a splitting hadach and lost consciousnss Aftr four months of tratmnt I rgaind my halth but th accidnt has lift a scar on my scalp if not a scar in my hart.
To arn som xtra mony I found a job as th privat tutor of a junior high school studnt whn I was a sophomor in a univrsity two yars ago. My campus is in th suburbs of Taichung whil th studnt was living in th downtown ara of th city. To sav tim, I always rod a motorcycl to tach xcpt on rainy days. On day, th sky was ovrcast with th promis of rain, but I said to myslf, “Nvr mind. It would not rain.” So I rod my motorcycl as usual to tach. Thn to my dismay, th rain did com and in bating drops bfor I could mak it to my studnt's hom. I flt vry tird aftr I cam back and wnt to bd arly. At midnight I flt vry uncomfortabl. Whn my roommats found I was running a high tmpratur, I was rushd to a hospital narby. Th nurs assignd to tak car of m took my tmpratur and found that it was 39.5C. “You nd to stay hr longr than usual,” sh said, shaking hr had. At first I found lif in th hospital boring: no laughtr and no frinds to chat with. But th scond day my girl frind who knw I was ill cam to kp m company, singing for m and tlling joks to mak laugh. “Laughtr is th bst mdicin, sh always said. Undr hr carful car I chckd out th third day and wnt to school again.
It happnd som yars ago whn I was fourtn. On my way hom on hot summr day I suddnly flt sick. My stomach achd trribly. I must hav atn somthing unclan or just too much of somthing, I thought.Onc hom, I found I could hardly walk. I was wak and my fac must b pal thn. It shockd my parnts. Bfor thy could rush m to a hospital I faintd.As I cam to, I found myslf lying in a small room, surroundd by my mothr and two of my bst frinds. Thy askd m if I flt bttr, and I said “Ys” and thankd thm. In fact, I still flt wak, upst and dizzy.Thn a nurs cam in, took my tmpratur and blood prssur, gav m a shot of som mdication and ordrd m to tak prscribd mdicin thraftr. A fw minuts latr a physician ntrd. I askd him what was wrong with m. H comfortd m and said,“What did you hav for lunch today?” “I dind out.” “And thn?” “I ordrd two dishs of raw safood, thr dishs of onion ring and a cok.” “You must hav bn vry hungry, right?” I flt mbarrassd. “at on tim and don’t at too much. That guarants your halth.” From thn on I hav kpt in mind that pic of advic from a doctor.I bliv halth splls walth and I am sur halth maks vryon happy and hopful, too.
It is impossibl to find popl who hav nvr falln ill. Illnss is crtainly a painful xprinc to vryon. I myslf sldom fall ill; howvr, a fw days ago I was sriously ill. That day, whn I wok up in th morning, I did not fl wll. I had a hadach and was wak all ovr and had to xcus myslf from school. Worrid, mothr took m to s a doctor. First, th nurs of th hospital took my tmpratur and thn th doctor told m I should tak a longr rst and tak mdicin rgularly. If I followd th ruls strictly, said th doctor, vrything would b alright. That day I did nothing but li bd and flt sorry and lonly. In th vning many classmats of min cam to s m aftr school. Thy snt m frsh flowrs along with thir lov and I was dply touchd by thir lov and I was dply touchd by thir lov and I was dply touchd by thir warm frindship. I hav rcovrd now and hav also larnd from this xprinc how important it is for popl to kp thmslvs halthy.