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更新时间:2025-03-14 20:22:59

反对打猎及其利与弊 1)"Th most common criticisms of sport hunting ar that it is crul and


inhuman, that it violats th rights of th animals, that it ntails

disobdinc to ruls of conduct that all who xhibit gnuin rspct

for natur must obsrv, that it upsts cological balancs and can

lad to ndangrmnt of som gam spcis, and that hunting is an

xprssion of mindlss aggrssion and violnc and thus prptuats

human barbarism.

2)On th topic of hunting I hav had a first hand xprinc.

Th dr population whr I liv grw out of control a fw yars ago and

as a last rsort th town dcidd to hav a hunt. It was vry controlld

saf and had a limit as to how many dr wr killd. This sort of animal

control is xtrm and in my opinion should b avoidd at all costs.

Howvr, th ovrpopulation of dr was causing halth risks to th town,

lik a sprad of lyms disas, which mad hunting a ncssity. Th rights

of animals ar watchd out for by organizations dating back to th arly

1800's. This, I fl is an important stp in protcting animals as long as

thy protst within thr lgal rights. In ordr to sum my opinion up

animals do hav crtain rights but if xprimnts, rsarch, hunting and

dissction provid positiv incrass in knowldg that furthrs th

xistnc of th world it is a ncssary thing that must b don. 反对打猎及其利与弊

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