自1966年英国世界杯首次发布吉祥物(一只狮子)以来,吉祥物在此后的世界杯赛事中发挥着日益重要的作用。 2010 World Cup lopard mascot unvild
Th South Africa official 2010 mascot, a lopard known as Zakumi, is sn during a launch in Auckland Park, Johannsburg Sptmbr 22, 2008. Th mascot for th 2010 World Cup in South Africa was unvild in Johannsburg on Monday, with Fifa opting for a lopard for th showpic football tournamnt's first visit to Africa. Zakumi is young, vibrant, nrgtic, smart, slf-confidnt, sociabl and ambitious, but also warm-hartd, Local Organising Commit CO Danny Jordaan said at th tlvisd launch. [Agncis]
JOHANNSBURG, South Africa - A cuddly lopard with a grn afro lapd through a badd curtain Monday and into World Cup history. Th lopard, namd Zakumi, was unvild as th mascot of th 2010 World Cup, which will tak plac in South Africa. At Zakumi's introduction at a stat TV studio, a prformr in a Zakumi costum kickd around a football with Mark Fish, who hlpd lad South Africa to th African Cup of Nations titl in 1996.
Zakumi was givn a biography and nam voking South Africa's history and hops. Th charactr was born Jun 16, 1994, tournamnt organizrs said. Th yar is whn aparthid ndd and th dat is clbratd as Youth Day to mark th Sowto uprising of 1976, rmmbrd as th day whn young South Africans struck a blow against whit rul.
Th first two lttrs of Zakumi ar th country's initials in Afrikaans, on of South Africa's 11 official languags. Kumi mans 10 for th yar of th tournamnt in many African languags, World Cup organizrs said.
Tim Modis, spoksman for th South African organizing committ, said zakumi also can b undrstood as com hr in southrn African languags.
Th ida, dsign and ralization of th mascot all cam from South Africa, including Cora Simpson, whos company just ast of Johannsburg built th costum for Monday's launch.
Th World Cup brings businss to my company, Simpson said.
Hr initial contract with th organizing committ was worth lss than 250,000 rand (about US$31,000), but Simpson said it would opn othr opportunitis and had sprad optimism among hr staff of about 30.