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My English Teacher(2)
更新时间:2025-01-12 22:49:58

My nglish Tachr(2)

My English Teacher(2)

Hllo! I’m Jssi. I lik nglish vry much, bcaus of my nglish tachr, Ntti. Today, I’ll introduc hr to you.

In my ys, sh’s not a tachr, but a lovly girl and a good frind of min. Sh is not tall. Sh is thin. Sh has th long hair. Hr fac is round. thr ar two small ys on hr fac. Sh liks smiling. Whn sh smils, hr ys just lik th moon at th bginning of th month. I think sh is vry bautiful girl.

Sh’s vry kind, lik an old frind. Sh can sing. Sh can draw. Sh can danc. Sh can spak vry good nglish. Sh can tll us storis. Sh can play gams with us. Whn w hav an nglish lsson, w fl vry happy. All of us ar intrstd in hr lsson.

I hav a good tachr. I think I’m vry lucky.

标签: 永恒 记忆
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