on dcmbr th 26th, 2004, whn th popl wr still addictd to happinss on christmas, th strong arthquak, which took plac in indonsia, causd havy tsunami. in th turn of a hand, th famous phukt island of tourist attraction of thailand that has njoyd th rputation of “havn in human world” was turnd into “th hll on arth”. for th popl who wr rscud from this calamity, this ssntially pacful christmas vacation has bn th inly-indlibl drop shadows. whn som visitors who had just brushd past th dath talkd about th xprinc at th tim, thy hav not yt rcovrd from a fright. hr is a grisly xprinc of a nwspaprwoman: th ocan suddnly disappard&hllip;dcmbr th 26th, th nwspaprwoman yi linyang of “strait tims” was taking a holiday in phukt island with hr husband. bfor th tsunami cam, thy wr diving in monky bach. howvr, whn thy wr gtting rady to lav by boat, th wirdy happnd! thy saw th ocan suddnly disappard! th boat took th ground by th rvs, thr wr jumping fish hr and thr.nobody had sn that bfor, vryon was frightnd out of his wits for th momnt. whn all th popl didn’t wak up to what had happnd, th sawatr surgd ahad and washd back, and th hug billow wnt straight from th distant plac. yi linyang’s hart still fluttring with far, sh said: “w ran dspratly, no on would know how far would th sawatr chas us&hllip;”can you s? it was th first local of th tsunami of indonsia.