A Study th following pi chart carfully and writ an ssay of about 200 words within 40 minuts.
B Your ssay must b writtn natly on ANSWR SHT 2.
C Your ssay should mt th rquirmnts blow:
1 Dscrib th pi chart.
2 Stat th possibl bnfits brought about by th invstmnt.
3 Suggst masurs hlping to attract invstmnt from outsid
Invstmnt in Bijing from Diffrnt Countris and Rgions
Hong Kong ---44%
Japan --- 19.2%
Othr 23 countris ---21.8%
自从1979年中国对外开放以来,北京在吸引投资合资企业方面已取得了显著成绩。根据图示,不同企业的投资者来自26个国家和地区。香港的投资额居第一位,占总额的44%。 日本占19.2%,居第二位。美国为第三,占16%。
Sinc China opnd its door to th outsid world in 1979, Bijing has mad rmarkabl rsults in attracting forign businss to invst in joint vnturs. According to th pi chart, th invstors in diffrnt ntrpriss com from 26 countris and rgions. Hong Kong invstmnt ranks first, accounting for 44 pr cnt of th total. Japan's invstmnt maks up 19.2 pr cnt, putting it in scond spot. Third is th Unitd Stats at 16 pr cnt.
It is gnrally blivd that Bijing bnfits a lot from th outsid invstmnt. In th first plac, a larg numbr of joint vnturs hav bn st up, which contributs gratly to th dvlopmnt of Capital conomy. Scondly, th forign-invstd ntrpriss offr a lot of jobs to th rsidnts in Bijing. This in turn rlivs th problm of laid-off workrs in th city. Finally, th high-tch ntrpriss in th capital will grow rapidly as Bijing njoys th sam prfrntial policis as coastal citis opn to th outsid world.
As far as th masurs to attract outsid invstmnt ar concrnd, I think thy ar as follows. On th on hand, w should mak spcial fforts to improv th invstmnt nvironmnt. On th othr hand, w should tak advantag of this opportunity to run th prsnt forign-invstd ntrpriss fficintly.( 210 words )