Rmmbr th day whn I first cam to th collg. Bing a boy of 17, I was longing for a nw lif as a collg studnt; but, at th sam tim, I had no ida what collg lif would b lik. That morning whn th bus carrid m to th gat of th collg. I was so xcitd that my hart was bating vry fast as if it would lap out of my mouth. From now on, I would b a studnt of this collg. Aftr rgistration, w wr ld by an instructor to th dormitory, whr, for th first tim, w wr going to liv without parnts but roommats. I was so clumsy that I did not know how to mak th bd and fix th mosquito nt. In th aftrnoon, I took a walk around th campus togthr with my roommats. To think of studying in such a bautiful plac mad m fl quit proud of myslf. As w wr walking along, talking and laughing, a voic cam into our ars, Oh, look at ths frshmn! It was our middl-school-studnts looking that gav us away. W continud our tour of th collg, inspcting vry building and vry gardn until th sun bgan to st. In th vning, w sat togthr, talking about th past and th futur. W wr so xcitd that no on wantd to go to bd.